Thursday, February 2, 2012

Could You Run a Marathon?

I really need to be better about writing blogs when anything more exciting than our daily happenings occur.  A few weeks ago John ran the Carlsbad Marathon in Carlsbad, California.  That is right folks, 26.2 miles of torture (for me anyway!).  He ran a half marathon a few months back to gear up for this one.
I am so proud of him!  I know I couldn't do it!
My cousin and her husband live in the San Diego area so they came out to support him too as he crossed the finish line.  At this race a person could sign up to do the half or the full.  There were over 8,400 who did the half marathon and 1,500 running the full.  I guess it really is true that San Diego is one of the healthiest cities in all of the United States!
The atmosphere standing at the finish line was incredibly inspiring.  I have never been in a place with so many people cheering on perfect strangers.  As each person crossed the finish line a few of the volunteers with microphones would announce their names and sometimes interesting facts about that person.  One man completed more than 200 marathons, one man had just returned from Afghanistan and carried an American flag across the finish line, there was even a lady who was in her 70's!
I made sure we got to the finish line early because I really did not want to miss John crossing it.  I have a very bad track record of being late, usually when it comes to picking John up from the airport, so I had to prove to him that I could actually be somewhere important on time!
I was so excited when I spotted him coming around the corner towards the finish and I think he was relieved to see us waving at him!
So Proud!
We went back to our hotel for a little while so John could clean up before we headed home.  While we waited Ryker got to open a few presents from Aunt Jess and Uncle Matt.
I think he was more interested in eating the paper!
We went to lunch on our way home and said goodbye to Matt and Jess until our next trip to San Diego!
My marathon runner has inspired me to start training for a 5K.  I hope I can do it and have a chance to run with him one day!
Lastly I have to share this picture of my little man.  Many of you have seen this picture, but it is too cute not to share him in his tuxedo onesie!

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