Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Heating Up!

It seems as if Spring is already over in the Desert Southwest and the heat is upon us...ugh.Don't get me wrong, I am a warm weather girl through and through.  I hate cold weather, having to wear layers and closed toed shoes!  Of course a visit to a chilly area every now and then is nice, but for the most part, I would rather not live in a place that gets really cold!  The winters in Yuma are perfect,   they are short and sweet.  They give you a chance to pull out the sweaters and maybe have a day or two of wearing jackets and then it is over.  I am however, not prepared for the extreme heat so soon!  This past weekend we had record highs of 100+ degree weather. 
I guess we are going to be prepared early for hot Arizona summers!
Since the warm weather is here we decided to buy Ryker his own little pool.  Now that we have grass in our backyard (instead of gravel), it is a much more pleasant place to be. 
We have played in the little pool several times and I think we will get our $8 worth come summertime!
Our community pool opened a weeks back and since it was so hot this weekend we decided to walk over and let Ryker have some fun in the big pool.
The water was a little cool, but since it was 104 degrees outside it was very refreshing.  Ryker wasn't so sure about the water at first but he was happy as long as daddy held on to him!
Family photo!
We went back today with some friends and this time he loved floating on the water.  He smiled and laughed the whole time!
Here is Ryker with his buddy Wesley (who had just fallen down so he wasn't feeling up to having his picture taken!)
Relaxing in the shade.  This kid really is living the life!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


This Easter my cousin and her husband drove over from San Diego to spend the holiday with us.
I know babies don't really need Easter baskets, but I couldn't resist putting one together for him! 
Of course it didn't have any candy but I put a few toys, books and some bubbles in it.
Ryker with his Aunt Jess and Uncle Matt
The first of what I hope to be our traditional family Easter photos!
Our little boy is 7 months old now
He can sit up on his own
Hold his bottle (for the most part)
And he is reaching out and getting into anything he can get his hands on!  He isn't mobile yet but I know that day is coming soon so I am enjoying the days where  I can just sit him down and he stays there!
He also loves to swing in his new swing!
I can't believe how much bigger he looks from week to week.  What happened to my tiny little baby???

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fun With Friends

Business at "Hotel Franklin" has been booming!  Our friends Doug and Kellie along with their two boys spent the weekend with us a few weeks ago.
There is not a whole lot to do in this little city but I had heard about a camel farm that is close by so we decided to check that out.
We were all a little surprised at the fact that it was bigger than we expected with quite a few animals.
There were several goats and some little ones apparently escaped their pin and were following us around the whole time.
Ryker was a little nervous but excited about them!
The boys
Of course we couldn't forget to see the camels!
Although it was not a world class zoo, we still had fun and always love spending time with the W. family!
After looking at a few of the pictures from the weekend I noticed how crazy my poor little baby's hair was!  The top part of his hair was so long it covered most of his head and I never really noticed how short it was underneath.  At only 6 months old it was time for a first haircut!
He did great!  John sat in the chair with Ryker on his lap.  He was a little squirmy but did really well.  I am pretty pleased with the outcome but it makes him look so much older!